How to Sell Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace

How to Sell Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace

How to Sell Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace

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Reading Time: 11 minutes

Unlocking Opportunity: Selling Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace

Thinking of selling vacant land? Look no further than Real Estate Bees (REB) Marketplace, a free and powerful platform designed to connect you with serious buyers. Whether you’re a property owner, realtor, or wholesaler, REB Marketplace offers a compelling solution to showcase your land and expedite the sales process.

Here’s what sets REB Marketplace apart:

  • Extensive Reach: Your listing goes beyond the platform. REB automatically syndicates it to a growing network of real estate websites, maximizing exposure to national, regional, and local buyers.
  • Targeted Audience: Reach the right people. REB boasts a massive buyer database, encompassing licensed professionals, local investors, major institutions, owner-operators, and everyday homebuyers. Daily email blasts ensure your vacant land gets seen by motivated individuals.
  • Detailed Listings: Showcase your land in its best light. REB offers a comprehensive suite of property listing features, allowing you to specify every crucial detail and enrich your listing with all the information potential buyers need to make an informed decision.

Leveraging REB Marketplace Features to Craft a Compelling Vacant Land Listing

When it comes to listing vacant land, REB Marketplace provides the tools you need to create a compelling presentation for potential buyers. Here’s a breakdown of key features:

  • Visual Appeal: Showcase your land with high-quality images. (Yes, image uploading is supported!)
  • Location, Location, Location: Leverage the power of Google Maps integration to give buyers a clear understanding of the property’s location and surroundings.
  • Focus on the Deal: While linking to external websites isn’t available, REB offers special promotion options to highlight any unique selling points or incentives for a faster sale.
  • Social Savvy: Take advantage of built-in social media optimization to broaden your reach and attract potential buyers who might be actively browsing social media platforms.

A Targeted Audience: It’s important to note that REB caters to a distinct audience compared to some high-traffic websites overflowing with casual home shoppers. Here, you’ll find a concentration of real estate professionals: investors, Realtors, property managers, and lenders. This focus makes REB ideal for sellers prioritizing a quick sale, particularly in cash, as these professionals are often ready to act decisively.

By creating a detailed and informative listing tailored for this audience, you’ll increase your chances of attracting serious buyers and achieving a successful sale for your vacant land.

Is Real Estate Bees Marketplace Legit?

While there isn’t enough independent information online to definitively declare Real Estate Bees Marketplace 100% legitimate, there are positive indicators suggesting it could be a viable option for selling vacant land:

  • Free Listings: The platform offers free listings, which can be attractive for vacant land sellers, especially if the property requires a longer marketing window.
  • Targeted Audience: REB focuses on real estate professionals like investors and Realtors, suggesting potential buyers who might be ready to move quickly on suitable land deals.
  • Extensive Reach: The platform claims to syndicate listings to a growing network of real estate websites, potentially increasing exposure for your vacant land.

However, here are some things to consider before listing your vacant land on Real Estate Bees:

  • Limited User Reviews: Finding independent user reviews of the platform can be challenging.
  • Newer Platform: Real Estate Bees seems to be a relatively new platform compared to established real estate listing services.
  • Limited Functionality: While they offer image uploads and social media promotion, there seems to be no option for virtual tours or linking to external websites, which might be drawbacks for showcasing vacant land.

Here’s how you can make an informed decision:

  • Research: Look for independent reviews or discussions about Real Estate Bees, particularly from the perspective of vacant land sellers.
  • Compare Platforms: Consider listing your land on established real estate listing platforms alongside Real Estate Bees to broaden your reach.
  • Contact Support: Reach out to Real Estate Bees customer support with any questions you might have about their platform and its effectiveness for selling vacant land.

By considering these factors and conducting additional research, you can decide if Real Estate Bees Marketplace aligns with your needs for selling your vacant land.

How Does Real Estate Bees Marketplace Listing Work?

Here’s a breakdown of how Real Estate Bees Marketplace listings work for vacant land:

Targeting the Right Audience: Real Estate Bees caters to a professional audience of investors, realtors, and other industry players actively seeking land deals. This focus increases the chances of connecting with motivated buyers who might be ready to make quick decisions.

Detailed Listings: You can create comprehensive listings for your vacant land, including property details, size, zoning, utilities, and high-quality photos. This allows you to showcase the property effectively and provide potential buyers with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Free Listings and Promotion Options: Listing your vacant land on Real Estate Bees is free, making it an attractive option. Additionally, the platform offers paid upgrades and promotion tools to increase your listing’s visibility and reach a wider audience within their network.

Syndication and Exposure: Real Estate Bees claims to syndicate listings to a growing network of real estate websites. This potentially broadens exposure for your vacant land beyond the platform itself.

Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Your Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees

Here’s a detailed step-by-step process for listing your vacant land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace:

Before You Begin

Create an Account: Head over to Real Estate Bees Marketplace at and sign up for an account if you haven’t already.

REB login dashboard
REB sign in or sign up

Step 1: Add Property

REB Add Property
  1. Locate the “Add Property” Section: Once logged in, look for a section labeled “Add Property” or “List Property.” This will initiate the creation of your vacant land listing.
REB Add Property
  1. Fill Out Property Details: Here’s where you’ll provide key information about your land:
    • Property Location: Enter the exact address of the land or use the map interface to pinpoint its location.
    • For Sale Details: Specify the asking price, closing details (preferred closing date, any contingencies), and other relevant sale information.
    • Property Details: Describe the property in more detail. Include details like the land size, zoning restrictions, and any existing utilities (water, sewer, electricity).
REB Add Property Address
REB Add Property Address
  1. Indicate Property Type: Since you’re selling vacant land, choose “Land” or a similar category from the property type options provided.
REB Property Type
REB Add Property Land Lot
REB Property Type Lot
  1. Upload High-Quality Photos: Showcase your vacant land with attractive and informative photos. The image section should allow you to upload multiple photos.
  2. Provide Land Details: This section might be specific to land properties. Here, you can provide any additional details that enhance your listing. For instance, you could mention the topography (hilly, flat), soil quality (suitable for specific crops), or unique natural features (streams, ponds).
  3. Specify Systems & Utility Details: Indicate if there are existing connections for sewer, water, and electricity. If there aren’t any utilities on the property, mention that as well.
  4. Assign a Listing Representative (Optional): If you’re working with a realtor to sell your land, you can include their information in this section.

Step 2: Create Listing

Once you’ve filled out all the details in the “Add Property” section, you can proceed with creating your listing. Real Estate Bees likely has a button or prompt to move forward and finalize your listing creation.

Step 3: Promote Listing

After your listing is live, explore options for promoting it on Real Estate Bees Marketplace. This might involve:

  • Upgrading your listing for better visibility in search results.
  • Sharing the listing link on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.
  • Utilizing any built-in promotion tools offered by Real Estate Bees.

Additional Tips

  • Craft a compelling description that highlights the unique selling points of your vacant land.
  • Proofread your listing carefully for any errors before making it public.
  • Respond promptly to inquiries from potential buyers to show your interest in selling the property.

By following these steps and best practices, you can create a detailed and informative listing for your vacant land on Real Estate Bees Marketplace, increasing your chances of attracting serious buyers and achieving a successful sale.

How Much Does Real Estate Bees Marketplace Cost for Vacant Land?

REB Membership Plans

Based on the provided plans for Real Estate Bees Marketplace, listing vacant land is entirely free. Their “Basic” plan offers everything you need for listing your land, including:

  • Up to 1 active property listing
  • Property syndication to their partner network
  • Deal inclusion in daily email alerts to their buyer list

This makes Real Estate Bees an attractive option for sellers of vacant land who are looking for a free platform to showcase their property.

However, there are paid plans that offer additional benefits:

  • Increased exposure: Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans allow for more active property listings, priority placements, and syndication to a wider network (including national and local partners).
  • Lead generation: The Silver plan onwards provides a Pro Directory business profile to help attract potential buyers.
  • Advanced features: Higher tiers offer features like DealAlert Pro for instant single property alerts and DealDispo Pro for including contact details in buyer alerts.

In conclusion, while listing vacant land is free, Real Estate Bees offers paid plans with additional features for sellers who want to maximize exposure and lead generation.

Real Estate Bees Marketplace Reviews: Pros and Cons for Vacant Land

Selling vacant land requires finding the right platform to reach serious buyers. Real Estate Bees Marketplace (REB) is a growing contender, offering free listings and a focus on real estate professionals. But is it the perfect fit for selling your vacant land? Let’s dive into the pros and cons based on available information and general real estate listing practices.

✅ Pros

  • Free Listings: A major advantage for vacant land sellers, especially if your property requires a longer marketing window. It allows you to test the waters without upfront costs.
  • Targeted Audience: REB caters to investors, Realtors, and other industry players actively seeking land deals. This increases the chances of connecting with motivated buyers who might be ready to make quick decisions on suitable properties.
  • Detailed Listings: Create comprehensive listings showcasing your vacant land. Include details like size, zoning, utilities, and high-quality photos, allowing potential buyers to make informed decisions.
  • Syndication and Exposure: REB claims to syndicate listings to a growing network of real estate websites, potentially broadening exposure beyond the platform itself.

⛔ Cons

  • Limited User Reviews: Finding independent user reviews specifically focused on selling vacant land through REB can be challenging. This makes it difficult to gauge success rates from the seller’s perspective.
  • Newer Platform: Compared to established real estate listing services, REB seems to be a newer platform. This might translate to a smaller user base and less overall activity.
  • Limited Functionality: While REB offers image uploads and social media promotion, there are no options for virtual tours or linking to external websites. These features could be valuable for showcasing vacant land.

Making an Informed Decision:

Since in-depth reviews specifically for vacant land sales are scarce, consider these additional factors:

  • Research: Look for independent reviews or discussions about Real Estate Bees, particularly from the perspective of vacant land sellers.
  • Compare Platforms: Consider listing your land on established real estate listing platforms alongside REB to broaden your reach and buyer pool.
  • Contact REB Support: Reach out to their customer support and inquire about their experience with vacant land sales. They might be able to provide success stories or connect you with relevant sellers.


Real Estate Bees Marketplace offers a potentially attractive option for selling vacant land, especially with its free listings and targeted audience. However, the platform’s relative newness and lack of specific user reviews for vacant land sales warrant further investigation. By considering the pros, cons, and conducting additional research, you can decide if REB aligns with your needs for selling your vacant land.

Beyond Real Estate Bees: Alternatives for Speedy Vacant Land Sales

While Real Estate Bees Marketplace offers a unique approach, selling vacant land quickly might require exploring other options. Here are some alternatives to consider, each catering to different priorities:

Prioritizing Speed and Convenience: Cash Buyers

  • Direct Land Investment Companies: Companies like Home and Land Experts specialize in buying vacant land directly from owners. They often provide:

    • Fast Cash Offers: Close deals within days, eliminating the wait for traditional financing.
    • No Listing Hassle: Skip the listing process and showings – they handle everything.
    • All Closing Costs Covered: Transparent pricing with no hidden fees.
  • Cash Buyer Marketplaces: Platforms connect you with multiple cash buyers competing for your land. This can lead to:

    • Multiple Cash Offers: Compare offers and choose the one that best suits your needs.
    • Faster Closing Timeframes: Cash buyers typically close faster than traditional buyers.

Reaching a Wider Audience for Potential Price Advantage: Online Land Auctions

  • Land Auction Platforms: Expose your vacant land to a broader audience of potential buyers. This can:
    • Increase Interest: Generate more competition, potentially driving up the final sale price.
    • Transparent Bidding Process: Witness competing offers in real-time, ensuring you get a fair market value.

Choosing the Best Option for You:

The most suitable option hinges on your specific situation. Consider these factors:

  • Speed: How quickly do you need to sell your land?
  • Price: Do you prioritize a quick cash sale or are you open to waiting for a potentially higher price through a traditional listing?
  • Convenience: How much time and effort can you dedicate to selling your land?

By carefully considering your needs and the pros and cons of each option, you can choose the most effective way to achieve a quick and successful sale for your vacant land.

Thinking Speed and Convenience? Explore Your Options!

Selling vacant land can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. If a quick and hassle-free sale is your priority, consider these alternatives:

  • Cash Buyer Options: Explore companies like Home and Land Experts who specialize in buying vacant land directly from owners. They offer fast cash offers, eliminate listing hassles, and cover closing costs.
  • Cash Buyer Marketplaces: Platforms connect you with multiple cash buyers, potentially leading to competitive offers and faster closings.

Prioritizing Price Flexibility?

For a potentially higher sale price, consider online land auctions. These platforms expose your land to a wider audience, potentially driving up interest and the final sale price.

No Matter Your Needs…

Understanding your priorities – speed, price, or convenience – is key to choosing the right selling approach.

Ready to Unlock the Value of Your Vacant Land?

If a fast and stress-free sale is your goal, Home and Land Experts can be your perfect partner. We offer:

  • Top Dollar Cash Offers: Get a competitive cash offer based on the true potential of your land.
  • Fast, Easy Sales: Sell your land on your terms, with no listing fees, commissions, or hidden costs.
  • Stress-Free Closing: We handle everything, from title research to closing costs, ensuring a smooth and quick transaction.

Take Control Today!

Get a Free, No-Obligation Cash Offer from Home and Land Experts. Let us help you achieve a fast and stress-free sale for your vacant land.

Call Now: +1 (850) 919-4557

Don’t wait! Unlock the value of your vacant land and move on to your next opportunity.

Frequently Asked Questions: Selling Vacant Land on Real Estate Bees

Thinking of selling your vacant land with Real Estate Bees Marketplace? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you decide:

Real Estate Bees Marketplace FAQs

  • Is listing my vacant land free on Real Estate Bees?
    Yes, absolutely! Real Estate Bees Marketplace allows you to create and publish a listing for your vacant land completely free of charge. This makes it an attractive option, especially if you're open to exploring different platforms and listing strategies before committing to any costs. There are no upfront fees or hidden charges associated with creating a basic vacant land listing on REB.
  • What property details can I include in my listing?
    Real Estate Bees understands the importance of comprehensive information for vacant land. Here's a breakdown of the property details you can include in your listing:
    • Location: Specify the exact address of your land or use the map interface to pinpoint its location.
    • Size: Indicate the total land area in square footage or acres (depending on the measurement system commonly used in your region).
    • Zoning Restrictions: Clearly outline any zoning restrictions that could impact potential uses for the land. This might include details like residential, commercial, agricultural zoning, or specific permitted uses within those categories.
    • Utilities: Indicate if there are existing connections for sewer, water, and electricity. If there aren't any utilities on the property, mention that as well. Having existing utilities can be a major selling point for potential buyers.
    • Land Topography: Describe the general lay of the land. Is it flat, hilly, or have any unique features like slopes or rock formations? This information can be helpful for buyers considering construction or specific uses for the land.
    • Soil Quality: If you have any information about the soil quality, including details like soil type or suitability for specific crops (if applicable), it can be valuable for potential buyers with agricultural interests.
    • Unique Natural Features: Does your vacant land boast any streams, ponds, breathtaking views, or other distinctive natural features? Highlighting these aspects can make your listing stand out and attract buyers seeking land with specific characteristics.
    By providing detailed and informative property details, you can give potential buyers a clear understanding of your vacant land and its potential uses. This can increase your chances of attracting serious inquiries and achieving a successful sale.
  • Can I upload photos to my listing?
    Absolutely! Real Estate Bees recognizes the power of visuals in attracting potential buyers. Their platform allows you to upload multiple high-quality photos to showcase your vacant land effectively. Here are some tips for maximizing your photo uploads:
    • Quantity: While the exact number of photos allowed might not be explicitly stated, aim to include a sufficient number (ideally 5-10) to provide a well-rounded perspective of your land.
    • Quality: Invest in high-resolution photos that capture the essence of your land in good lighting conditions. Blurry or pixelated photos can create a negative impression.
    • Variety: Include a mix of photos that showcase different aspects of your land. Consider capturing overall wide shots, close-up details of unique features, and photos that highlight the surrounding landscape if relevant.
    • Drone Photography (Optional): If possible, consider including drone footage (if safety regulations allow) to offer a bird's-eye view of your vacant land. This can be particularly beneficial for showcasing the size and layout of the property.
  • Can I link to external websites in my listing?
    Currently, Real Estate Bees doesn't allow linking to external websites within your listing. This means you can't include links to your personal website, a detailed property brochure, or any external resources that might provide additional information about your vacant land. Here's how you can work around this limitation:
    • Maximize Description Details: Since you can't link externally, ensure your property description is comprehensive and includes all the essential information potential buyers might be looking for.
    • High-Quality Photos: As mentioned earlier, high-quality photos become even more crucial to showcase your land effectively in the absence of external links.
    • Contact Information: Clearly display your contact information within the listing, making it easy for interested buyers to reach out for further details or inquiries.
    While the lack of external linking might be a drawback, Real Estate Bees offers a free platform with the ability to upload multiple photos. By strategically using these features and providing a detailed description, you can still create an informative listing that attracts potential buyers for your vacant land.
  • How do I reach potential buyers on Real Estate Bees?
    Reaching potential buyers on Real Estate Bees involves a two-pronged approach:
    • Targeting Real Estate Professionals: The platform caters to a specific audience - real estate professionals like investors and Realtors. This can be advantageous because these individuals are actively seeking land deals and might be ready to move quickly on suitable properties. When you create a listing, you're essentially getting your vacant land in front of potential buyers who are already looking for what you have to offer.
    • Syndication to Real Estate Websites: Real Estate Bees goes beyond just their own platform. They claim to syndicate your listing to a growing network of real estate websites. This broadens your exposure considerably, potentially reaching a wider audience of potential buyers who might not be actively using Real Estate Bees but are still searching for vacant land on other real estate platforms.
  • Does Real Estate Bees offer any paid upgrades for my listing?
    Yes, Real Estate Bees understands that sellers might have different needs and goals. While they offer a free basic plan for listing your vacant land, they also have paid plans that provide additional features and benefits:
    • Increased Active Property Listings: The free plan might limit the number of properties you can have actively listed at a time. Upgrading to a paid plan allows you to list more properties simultaneously, potentially increasing your chances of finding a buyer.
    • Priority Placements: Basic listings might be displayed lower in search results or on listing pages. Paid plans can offer priority placement, ensuring your vacant land gets more visibility among potential buyers browsing the platform.
    • Syndication to a Wider Network: The free plan might have limitations on the specific websites or partners your listing gets syndicated to. Upgrading can expand your reach by syndicating your listing to a wider network of real estate websites and potentially even national or local partner platforms, significantly increasing exposure.
    Here's a crucial point to consider: Upgrading to a paid plan might be necessary depending on your goals and the competition for vacant land in your area. If you're in a competitive market with many listings, a free basic plan might not be enough to get your vacant land noticed. Upgrading for better visibility and wider syndication could be a worthwhile investment to expedite your sale.
  • Can I promote my listing on social media platforms?
    Yes, you can! Real Estate Bees recognizes the power of social media for reaching a broader audience. They offer built-in social media optimization tools within the platform. Here's how you can leverage them:
    • Social Sharing Buttons: Your listing on Real Estate Bees will likely have built-in buttons for easy sharing on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. This allows you to easily share your listing with your network and potentially reach potential buyers who might be actively searching for vacant land on social media.
    • Pre-Drafted Social Media Posts: Real Estate Bees might offer pre-drafted social media posts with essential details about your vacant land and a link to your full listing. This saves you time and ensures you're sharing accurate information. You can further customize these pre-drafted posts to personalize your message and potentially attract more attention.
  • Do I need to create an account to list my land?
    Yes, creating a free account on Real Estate Bees Marketplace is a prerequisite before listing your vacant land. The account serves several purposes:
    • Listing Management: Your account allows you to create, edit, and manage your vacant land listing. You can update details, upload photos, and track any inquiries or expressions of interest from potential buyers.
    • Communication Platform: The account facilitates communication between you and potential buyers. Real Estate Bees might offer a messaging system or contact information management tools within your account for easy communication.
    • Platform Access: Having an account grants you access to the full functionalities of the Real Estate Bees Marketplace. This includes browsing other listings, searching for potential buyers or partners, and utilizing any additional features offered by the platform (depending on your subscription plan).
    Creating an account is a quick and easy process, typically requiring basic information like your name, email address, and potentially setting a password. Once you have an account, you can explore the platform's features and begin creating a compelling listing for your vacant land.
  • Is Real Estate Bees a new platform?
    Yes, that's a good observation. Real Estate Bees seems to be a relatively new player in the real estate listing space compared to established platforms with a long track record. While this doesn't necessarily mean it's not a good option, it's something to consider when making your decision. Here's what a newer platform might mean for you:
    • Limited User Reviews: Finding extensive user reviews specifically focused on selling vacant land through Real Estate Bees might be challenging. This makes it difficult to gauge success rates or gather firsthand experiences from other sellers who have used the platform for similar purposes.
    • Evolving Features: Newer platforms are often in development, adding features and functionalities over time. While this can be positive in terms of potential future benefits, it might also mean the platform currently lacks some features you might find on more established platforms.
  • Where can I find reviews or user experiences about Real Estate Bees?
    Since Real Estate Bees appears to be a newer platform, extensive user reviews specifically for vacant land sales might be scarce. Here are some alternative ways to gather information and assess the platform's potential:
    • General Reviews: Look for reviews about Real Estate Bees in general, even if they don't specifically mention vacant land. Reviews from users who have bought or sold other types of properties on the platform can still give you insights into user experience, platform functionality, and overall customer satisfaction.
    • Real Estate Forums: Search online real estate investor forums or communities. Discussions might mention Real Estate Bees, offering insights from users who have tried selling vacant land on the platform.
    • Contact Real Estate Bees: Reach out to their customer support and inquire about their experience with vacant land sales. They might be able to provide success stories or connect you with sellers who have used their platform for this purpose.
    By combining these strategies, you can gather a more comprehensive picture of Real Estate Bees' effectiveness for selling vacant land, despite its relative newness in the real estate listing landscape.  

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